Oceanic Engineering Society

| Technical Programme | Special Sessions | Tutorials | Paper Upload |

The technical programme will be complemented by a number of special sessions, covering dedicated programmes, initiatives or relevant topics.

Following special sessions start to organize:

The ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Group will support two Special Sessions:

Session 1 by ATLAS ELEKTRONIK: "Advanced Active Sonar Signal Processing"

Session 2 by ATLAS ELEKTRONIK: "GREX: Coordination and control of cooperating heterogeneos unmanned systems in uncertain environments"

See details


A Marie Curie Research Training Network 
Professor Philip Wilson (School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton)
12 Scientists from different countries and associated with the FREESUBNET project will contribute to OCEANS'09 conference. They will present their talks in several dedicated sessions of technical program.
On Friday, May 15, a separate FREESUBNET "Oceans'09 Workshop" on AUV Launch and Recovery systems (LARS) will be conducted at MARUM.

50th Anniversary of NURC the NATO Undersea Research Centre (formerly SACLANTCEN) of La Spezia

The topic of the session will be:
"Meeting new engineering and scientific challenges from the successes of the past"

Download the call for papers here

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